Copy of Our Y - 10/18 Original
Our Y is to create a brand that not only gives back to communities in need, but one that also inspires, empowers, and leads people to their purpose; their Y.
We are Blynd to the naysayers, to the status quo, and to the current state of negativity in the world.
Our Y Keeps Us Blynd.
Adi's Y:
I am beyond grateful for your love and support. Blynd began when my cousin lost his sight, and has since evolved into a brand with a powerful message. Blynd is all about your Y. Your Y is your purpose. It inspires you to live life without fear or regret, making you Blynd to all obstacles on your path.
Blynd incorporates the color purple to bring awareness to epilepsy, and is a tribute to both my grandfather and sister who #stayblynd to epilepsy daily.
My Y is to remain authentic and true to the higher self, connected to the absolute and everything it encompasses; friends, family, community, and you.
I am Blynd to fear. I am Blynd to doubt. My Y keeps me Blynd. #stayblynd